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Chakra Tarot Spread

To check-in on the current state of your energetic body, we can facilitate a Chakra spread. Chakra literally translates to mean a “wheel”. These wheels are the energy centers in our bodies. We have a lot of subtle energy centers in our body, with 7 main chakras running up through the center. Draw a card for each of the 7 main chakras to interpret how the current chakras are functioning.

The Muladhara chakra has a red color.

Mula means root, so this is what is known as the root chakra. It is our connection to the earth, our needs, security, and safety in the world. It is corresponded to planet Saturn.

The Svadhishthana chakra has an orange color.

This is known as the sacral chakra. It is our feelings, emotions, sexuality and creativity. It holds the energy of what relationships mean to us and how we connect to others. It is corresponded to the planet Jupiter.

The Manipura chakra has a yellow color.

This is also referred to as the “solar plexus” or “power” chakra. It is the center of our vitality, self-esteem, self-expression and personal power. It is corresponded to planet Mars.

The Anahata chakra has a green color.

This is also known as the heart chakra. It is the healing center of our unconditional love, kindness, generosity and respect. It is corresponded to the planet Venus.

The vishuddha chakra has a blue color.

This is known as the throat chakra. It is the center of our communication, speaking truth and listening with compassion. It is corresponded to the planet Mercury.

The ajna chakra has an indigo color.

This is also referred to as the “third-eye” or “brow” chakra. It is the center of psychic awareness, vision, dreams, reflection and insight. It is corresponded to the Sun & the Moon.

The sahasrara chakra has a violet color.

This is also known as the crown chakra. It is the center which integrates all of the chakras, connects us to God and divine intelligence.

Chakra Spread

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