Zodiac Tarot Spread
This is one version of the Zodiac spread that can show the energy of your astrological natal chart:
Draw one card for each of the 12 houses and pull an additional 4 cards for the Ascendant (outside of the far left card), the IC (outside of the bottom card), the Descendant (outside of the far right card), and the MC (outside of the top card). You can draw an additional one or two cards to place in the center as the culminating energy of the chart.
The Will of the Soul:
Center: The World + 6 of Wands
1st House: Strength
2nd House: 3 of Cups
3rd House: Judgement
4th House: 4 of Pentacles
5th House: 3 of Swords
6th House: The Magician
7th House: Ace of Cups
8th House: The Emperor
9th House: King of Pentacles
10th House: 9 of Pentacles
11th House: Lovers
12th House: 2 of Wands
Ascendent: Knight of Cups
IC: 7 of Pentacles
Descendent: 5 of Pentacles
Mid-Heaven: Knight of Swords